Color Personality Test | What Color Am I?

Take this color personality test and find out what color are you. The results are up-to-date and you will discover your personality. In addition to the brands we choose to buy, color psychology is used in our daily lives to influence how we feel and respond to our surroundings. In order to prove that colors are not simply about what looks beautiful, but about what meaning we subconsciously attach to certain hues, and how to apply it in our lives, we need to extend color psychology into the area of human personalities . This automatic selection of a hue says a lot about who you are, how you work, and what others think of you. Your behavior, personal qualities, and mental, emotional, and spiritual states can all be better understood using this method. You may see how you approach the world, your strengths and weaknesses, your most basic needs and concerns, and the biggest obstacles you’re facing at the time. LGBTQ+ community includes colors to the pride flag so everybody can understand i...